General strike in the Spanish aerospace sector
Wednesday 23 September 2020 - Spanish aerospace workers take to the streets demanding government support for the aerospace industry and jobs...
Tuesday 22 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe stands with ArcelorMittal workers in Luxembourg and calls on European policymakers to protect European steel and jobs in the sector....
Friday 18 September 2020 - Our new policy brief explains the EU recovery package and highlights points of concern that should be raised with policymakers...
Wednesday 16 September 2020 - IndustriAll European Trade Union warns that failure to address workers’ concerns will risk a significant social backlash...
Monday 14 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe embarks on a new project, starting with a large-scale survey of just transition initiatives in cooperation with HIVA - Research Institute for...
Thursday 10 September 2020 - As emergency measures to preserve jobs are expiring, industriAll Europe calls for their immediate extension until a fair recovery is reached and higher levels o...
Wednesday 09 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe calls on EU policymakers for immediate action to ensure quality social dialogue as companies face the twin challenge of recovery and transiti...
Tuesday 08 September 2020 - IndustriAll Europe has written to the European Commission’s Chief Trade Enforcement Officer on behalf of thousands of European stainless steel workers, calling ...
Thursday 03 September 2020 - There’s time to avoid the carnage of employer-led restructuring following the pandemic - but only if workers and unions set the agenda....
Wednesday 19 August 2020 - Workers manage to prevent closure of the three Nissan Barcelona plants by December 2020 and deliver a social plan for every worker....