Finland: workers at UPM determined to fight for their right to bargain
Tuesday 25 January 2022 - Strike action at UPM in Finland continues in a fight against a company’s ideological refusal to bargain...
Friday 21 January 2022 - Turkish trade unionists talk to us about the hardship suffered in the current economic crisis and the benefits of their ground-breaking collective agreement...
Friday 21 January 2022 - A Just Transition for workers depends on strong, well-functioning social dialogue. This was the conclusion of affiliates from Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Net...
Wednesday 19 January 2022 - IndustriAll Europe and its affiliates urge the EU’s environment and energy ministers to implement a Just Transition framework based on rights, and not well-inte...
Friday 14 January 2022 - A tripartite agreement in Spain repeals central aspects of the 2012 labour reform and restores trade union bargaining power at sector level...
Friday 17 December 2021 - Just Transition on the ground can only be achieved if new jobs are phased in before old ones are phased out. Without new jobs being created locally, people will...
Thursday 16 December 2021 - IndustriAll Europe celebrates the launch of the EU Pact for Skills for the textiles, clothing, tanning and leather, and footwear sectors (TCLF): an important st...
Thursday 16 December 2021 - The European Commission adopted a series of initiatives linked to the European Green Deal and relevant to raw materials these last two years, among them, the Eu...