The clock is ticking on working time
Friday 12 January 2018 - On 9 January 2018, IG Metall began a series of warning strikes that gathered 80,000 metal workers on the first day alone, followed by many more in the days ther...
Thursday 11 January 2018 - Two Albanian trade unions have reason to celebrate the new year after achieving success in two separate cases following effective industrial action and collecti...
Friday 22 December 2017 - On 8 December 2017, European social partners of the chemical industry, industriAll European trade union and the European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) signed ...
Friday 15 December 2017 - Today in Brussels, the European Council deemed that ‘’sufficient progress’’ had been made for Brexit talks to proceed to Phase 2, the transition period and the ...
Friday 15 December 2017 - General Electric has generated a huge shock wave by announcing another massive restructuring plan of its energy-related activities. Opposition to both the plant...
Friday 08 December 2017 - Today, the European Sectoral Social Partners in the chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastics industry presented their brochure on the results of their join...
Thursday 07 December 2017 - Two and a half months after Tata Steel and thyssenkrupp announced their intention to merge their European steel activities and an accompanying restructuring pla...