It will also lead to changes in business models and management. Digitalisation will prompt questions as to whether the legislation that today regulates working life is fit for the future. Therefore digitalisation of the MET sector is a challenge for European industry – for both employers and employees – but its potential can become a positive reality if addressed and properly managed together. In the framework of the MET Social Dialogue, industriAll European Trade Union and CEEMET adopted a joint position  on the impact of digitalisation on the world of work in the MET industries.

The adopted joint position express an important area for social dialogue and an opportunity to shape the ongoing technological change, so as to maximize the benefit for our industry in terms of growth and jobs. The ability to successfully manage this change will be central to whether the MET industry can keep it’s (cost and non-cost) competitiveness and capitalise on the digital transformation for the better. This joint position is a starting point for discussion, and sets a preliminary vision of what the issues presenting themselves to the MET sector and to MET social partners may be. Its content will be further developed over time.

Read Joint position in EN, DE, FR.