IndustriAll Europe is proud and honoured to receive this years’ Dorje Khatri Award awarded by the ITUC for the work done by our organisation to support a Just Transition to quality employment in climate friendly and sustainable industries. Receiving this award is an achievement for the affiliated organisations of industriAll Europe that fight for good jobs in transitioning industries and regions. It motivates us to continue fighting to ensure that Just Transition becomes a reality and steers EU and national policies and their implementation. Our national trade unions will and must be involved in national and regional Just Transition planning!

The Dorje Khatri award is named after the leader of the Nepalese trade union of Sherpas who died on the Himalaya in 2014 and who was a known climate activist.

With the Dorje Khatri award, the ITUC General Council annually recognises outstanding contributions to the fight for sustainability and justice. The ITUC holds that industriAll Europe together with its affiliates is doing ground-breaking work to bring Europe’s industrial policy in line with the demands of the Paris Agreement to protect our climate. The ITUC sees that members of industriAll Europe are often on the frontline of climate policy, in the manufacturing and auto industries, chemical, energy, mining, textile, clothing and footwear sectors and related industries and activities. It considers that this is where the structural changes of the industry that are needed for a transition to a low carbon economy have the biggest impact. The ITUC believes that industriAll Europe is showing that a Just Transition is possible. And this, in particular through lobby work with the European institutions on major policy issues (such as the Green Deal, the Masterplan for energy intensive industries, the European climate plans and the Just Transition Fund); through sectoral social dialogue work in all industrial sectors (for example by integrating climate issues in negotiated agreements in the energy sector) and through support of its affiliates in the member states. 

The ITUC appreciates especially the work with our members in the mining and energy intensive sectors. Our work is thought to show leadership on climate issues combined with a true commitment to defend the interests and livelihoods of thousands of women and men on the work floor. Examples given are mine closures accompanied by comprehensive Just Transition plans and investments in regional development that take care of the workers that were negotiated in countries such as Spain and Germany, with the support of industriAll Europe. The ITUC also acknowledges the work of industriAll Europe in East Europe by supporting, where this is possible, the local industrial unions in the transition to a low carbon economy and advocating for a climate agenda which decreases regional and social inequalities rather than acerbating them. 

The protection of our climate through ambitious Just Transition plans and measures will have to take place in all economic sectors, also in those where this will be the most difficult. This is exactly what industriAll Europe is seen to be doing. 

Contact: Andrea Husen-Bradley (press and communication)