IndustriAll Europe fully supports the ETUC campaign which starts today, in the run up to the Gothenburg Social Summit, to step up pressure for fair and higher wages, strong social dialogue and collective bargaining, improved employment and labour rights and sound social protection systems. 

The 10 building blocks identified by the ETUC are important to support the European Pillar of Social Rights delivering its promises. IndustriAll Europe will take part in the campaign and will focus on its core issues namely: 

  • A Pillar which delivers rights to become enforceable for all workers in all workplaces through a comprehensive legislative programme and in particular, the introduction of a suite of Employment Directives. It is also important to fix the foundation of the European Pillar of Social Rights by relaunching our demand for a social protocol to be included in the Treaties to ensure that social rights are properly upheld.
  • Strengthening sectoral collective bargaining and trade union rights, closing the wage gaps and improving working conditions.
  • Securing investment to make the rights real: mobilising existing EU funds and future EU’ budgets to help fund implementation of the EPSR. Importantly we need to ensure that the implementation of the Pillar is not held hostage of restrictive budgetary constraints.

We urgently need to get started to ensure that the Pillar delivers a Better Europe for Working People. 

IndustriAll Europe calls on all its affiliates to join the campaign and ensure that the issues of the trade union movement are firmly on the agenda on the 17th November.

Please join the campaign website and send a message to national leaders saying, “I want a better Europe for working people: a stronger #SocialPillar, more #SocialRights; #TellJunckerEU #SocialSummit17”.

Read the ETUC Leaflet on Social Rights here

Download the web news here.