The next prize will be awarded in June 2025. Affiliates are invited to propose candidates. Initiatives taken or initiated by shop stewards or local trade union officers to combat discrimination and promote equal opportunities and inclusion in the workplace, e.g. training, company agreements, changes in work organisation, etc., are all eligible. The winners will be invited to present their project at industriAll Europe’s Congress in Budapest on 3-5 June 2025.

Call for applications

Applications can be submitted electronically to the industriAll Europe secretariat by the applicants themselves or via affiliated trade unions. Submissions must include a description of the reasons for the initiative, the relevant actors, the planning and implementation processes, and the results. Applications must not be longer than two pages and should be submitted by the end of February 2025. The jury will take a decision in mid-March.

Award criteria

•    Impact: improving equity, diversity and inclusion, factual and cultural change – 30 points
•    Replicability: degree and ease with which the activities can be replicated, adapted or extended – 20 points
•    Novelty: degree to which one or more major elements are innovative – 10 points

IndustriAll Europe is committed to increasing equality in our organisation and on the shopfloor. Equality aspects feature in all our policies. However, the real work is done by local trade union officers and shop stewards.

Last year, the first Diversity at Workplace Award was won by Elisabetta Agricola (FIOM-CGIL, Italy) for her work to set up a LGBTQI+ helpdesk in her workplace at STMicroelectronics. Moreover, many of the nominees have been part of building an industriAll Europe collective bargaining strategy for equality. In this way, the work of vanguard union activists can contribute to progress in our sectors across Europe.

Judith Kirton-Darling, industriAll Europe General Secretary:

“With this award for diversity initiatives at the workplace, we want to show our appreciation for all the good work done by our affiliates across Europe in the fight against discrimination - whether on the grounds of sex, race or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age or social background. It is to demonstrate our dedication to equal opportunities and diversity activities and to complement our pledges and positions, and to inspire each other further.”