“Renault local plant management needs to stop hiding behind the Ministry of Labour & Social Security and uphold its commitment to the establishment of a Social Dialogue Committee at company level. It is never too late to honour your agreement! Turkish workers deserve to have their workers’ rights and human rights respected. We demand the immediate election of the agreed Social Dialogue Committee, and we urge the company to reinstate all dismissed workers!”, stated Luc Triangle, industriAll Europe Deputy General Secretary.

In May 2015 the Oyak Renault plant in Bursa recognised workers’ representatives. Provocatively on 29 February, the promised day for workers’ elections that were cancelled by an announcement only a few days earlier, Renault management summoned 10 of the workers and dismissed them. In response to the provocation, workers gathered peacefully to get their jobs back. On 1 March they were joined by co-workers in solidarity to defend their human rights as workers. The situation escalated quickly as local plant management called the police to intervene. The police instantly used violence, tear gas and water cannon against the pacifist demonstrators. To this day 21 workers have been arrested, more than 60 dismissed and 54 were forcefully requested to leave with severance packages. These numbers will most probably increase.

Both industriAll European Trade Union and IndustriALL Global Union call to unite our forces and, together with our affiliated organisations in France and Europe, we will coordinate further appropriate actions.

More videos , photos , and article.

Joint letter sent to Renault Group

Joint letter sent to the Ministry of Labour & Social Security

IndustriALL Global Framework Agreement (GFA)