Sweden - Industrial action at Tesla
IF Metall has called a strike for all its members in auto repair shops in order to obtain collective agreements in these companies.
Ukraine - New lockout provisions violate workers’ rights
Ukrainian unions are objecting to proposed lockout rules which would give employers more power and strip away existing workers' rights, contrary to the European social model.
Austria - Strikes declared in metal sector
PRO-GE and GPA have announced strikes in the metal sector starting on 6 November 2023. Industrial action was inevitable due to a very poor offer from the employers.
Sweden introduces legal wage floor for third-country migrants
Sweden introduces national wage floor for migrant workers from outside EU/EEA. The measure receives little approval from trade unions.
Eurofound working time report
Eurofound has published a new report on working time which includes countries where 4-day weeks are being discussed.
Sharp falls in real wages in many countries since onset of crisis
Real wages have gone down almost everywhere since Q1 2022, but with great differences between the countries, according to OECD statistics.
Part-time workers have equal rights to overtime pay
The CJEU has ruled that part-time workers have the same right to overtime pay as fulltime workers according to a directive negotiated by the social partners in 1997.
Inflation September
The inflation in the EU was 4.9% in September 2023. A year earlier, the rate was 10.9%.