Germany - New agreement in rubber sector
IGBCE has negotiated a new two-year agreement for 70,000 workers in the rubber industry with a solid pay rise and a special bonus to union members.
The UK and Finland - 4-day week-2
A six-month trial in the UK shows that a 4-day week with full pay gave good results, mostly in the private service sector. This trial seems to have inspired a debate ahead of Finland's general election in April 2023.
EU inflation January 2023
European Union annual inflation was 10.0% in January 2023, down from 10.4% in December. A year earlier, the rate was 5.6%.
Denmark - New agreement reached in 2023
CO-industri has reached an agreement for 230,000 workers that ensures a substantial pay rise, better overtime pay, more subsidies for self-selected training, better possibilities for organising, local bargaining etc.
Norway - Measures taken against non-standard employment
The Norwegian government is taking steps to reduce agency work as well as unwanted fix-term and part-time employment.
Working time reduction gaining some ground
There are scattered reports of working time reductions in Europe, here from Spain, Portugal and the UK.
Finland - New agreements in tech and chemicals
The Finnish industrial union has negotiated two new sectoral agreements with 7% pay rise over two years. The wage increase will alleviate the loss of purchasing power, but not give full compensation for the rise in living costs.
Czech - Strike in Nexen ended
Strike action and international solidarity paid off as Korean-owned tire manufacturer Nexen. The conflict ended with a good result for the workers.